In-Tank O3 Infuser

Utilizing new techniques in manufacturing S.O.S will produce a dramatic boost in your rinse tank ozone levels. Utilization of our localized infusers for Ultra Pure Ozone gas injection will improve uniformity of ozone levels within the tank by pushing ozone levels into the 10-20PPM range depending on your ozone generator optimization. Ozone levels drop quickly during rinse steps negatively impacting consistent ozone levels throughout the rinse water causing oxide growth uniformity issues. By the proper utilization of localized ozone delivery properly aligned and balanced with the rinse water flow oxide growth becomes more consistent. Our ozone injection products are properly sized and configured for your application right out of the box. However, technical support for installation is available.

Oxide growth and uniformity can be maximized through the proper utilization of both Integral and In-Line infuser integration. S.O.S can custom fit the integral inserts into most any tank. For optimal surface conversion, pure repeatable oxide growth and minimization of water marks, you need S.O.S infuser solutions integrated today.


  • High Volume Localized Injection of Ozone Provides the Highest Rinse Water Ozone Levels Possible.
  • Custom Designed for your Tanks Cassette Configuration SOS Infusers Provide Efficient Delivery of Ozone Gas where needed.
  • SOS Infusers Minimize Ozone Gas Usage while Providing Uniform PPM levels at the wafer.
  • Our Infusers Enable the Injection of HCL or other Chemical Gasses into the Rinse Tank Enabling “In-Situ” Processing.
  • Perfect for MEMS Device Experimentation where Multiple Process Sequences are Necessary in a Single Tank.

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